Release notes
Please find below for the past release notes:
NetGain EM Change Log v12.2.274 build 969 (release date: 8th Apr 2024)
- Fixes:
- Metrics naming of objects
- Batch report - Time range
- SNMP v3 discovery for Bluecoat devices
- Aruba AP uptime monitor
- SSH monitoring of devices
- Adhoc report saving
- NCM - show changes
- Dashboard request headers too large
- Enchancements:
- License update to add in the logs
- Oracle database monitors
- PostgreSQL monitors
- NetApp monitors
- SSO for Azure
- Oracle Database monitors
- Traceroute monitor
- Disk report
- Grafana
- additional supporting APIs
- GeoMap plugin
- CMDB - asset management plugin
- OS Process monitor
- Synthetic monitoring
- New Implementation:
- Rest API for Bizview
- Built-in log parsing for Trendmicro Deep Security logs
- Supports Elasticsearch v8.11.x
- Dell Backup Jobs monitor
- Trend Micro metrics via API
- Trellix monitors
- New supported OS: Alma Linux 9.3
- Integration of MOXA dry contact monitoring
NetGain EM Change Log v12.2.160 build 814 (release date: 5th Jul 2023)
- Fixes:
- Linux Process start time
- SIEM built-in mappings button not shown
- Alarm correlation view
- Cipher issues for Tomcat 8
- Enchancements:
- Added SIEM threat detection rules
- SNMP v3 discovery
- Rest APIs
- Metrics and Tags
- Oracle Database monitors
- Palo Alto, Huawei, Cisco, Mikrotik, VMware, Extreme, Fortigate monitors
- System Uptime monitor
- NetGain Agent for windows OS
- NCM - Fortinet, Palo Alto
- Password expiry message email to include more details
- New Implementation:
- Azure Single Sign-On (SSO) using OAuth2 and OpenID protocols
- SNMPtrap to alarm mapping mechanism, based on mib files
- Monitoring of QAX firewall under Security group
- Zabbix smart and zbs cluster monitors
- Monitor exception feature
- Supports Elasticsearch v8.7.x
- Supports Filebeat v8.7.x
- Supports emedge in Raspbian OS 64bit
- Obsolete:
- Temporary ignore feature, replaced with monitor exception feature
NetGain EM Change Log v11.2.394 build 553 (release date: 16th Nov 2022)
- Fix Bug 4051 - 11.1.182|Alicloud Sms wrong info - add support to test sms message using json format based on the template format corresponding to the supplied templateCode
- Fix Bug 4366 - v11-SaaS-SIEM log sources page is not able to display log source from filebeat
- Fix Bug 4480 - cpu_memory_utilization_additional_info_not_show
- Fix Bug 4646 - v11-EM-too many opened snmp session
- Fix Bug 4664 - metric beat windows services adding
- Fix Bug 4665 - siem_log_watcher_needs_severity_setting
- Fix Bug 4666 - [change request] v11-SIEM-MAH windows event logs forwarding
- Fix Bug 4668 - handle potential hanging issue
- Fix Bug 4683 - v11.2.x | metricbeat monitors not updating when device is down
- Fix Bug 4685 - v11-EM-missing MOs issues - add delay in shutdown hook until MOs move operation is completed, if there is an existing MO operation in progress
- Fix Bug - SNMP custom monitors not able to capture data
- Fix for critical monitor Action not triggered
- Fix missing counter index issues for some monitors
- Fix elastic data purging wrongly purging data using shorter days (meant for saas) for on prem
- Fix default HOME_DIR for agent
- Fix issue when old socket agent connection becomes invalid
- Fix daily logs volume usage calculation error due to beats indices in gmt time format
- Fix index name error in CVS cloud when ingesting sample logs
- Synthetic - improve on stability
- Synthetic - implement alarm generation
- Synthetic - implement frontend logic, to display past transactions and steps
- Synthetic - delete executions and screenshots too, when script is deleted
- Synthetic monitoring - move to be under ‘apm’ module
- Elastic retain snapshots for 1st and 15th of the month
- Elastic improve query api to throw exception with query string has syntax errors
- Elastic reset CvsManager configs cache when invoke ElasticBackupUtil.purgeNow method
- NCM encodes support for encrypting NCM data with public key on emedge
- Metricbeat enhance AWS monitors
- Metricbeat enhance AWS - enhance S3 and NatGateway mappings
- Metricbeat enhance AWS - enhance ELB monitors
- Metricbeat enhance AWS - improve on MO tagging
- Metricbeat enhance AWS mappings and add IIS mappings
- Cloud copy modules.d folder from var (if exists) for beats sidecars in cloud
- Cloud enable apm-server sidecar on emedge running on Azure cloud
- Allow monitor list page to remember the table search string different for different objects (i.e. fdns) - revert this change
- Improve performance for AIOps pages
- Improve to not run jobs on cloud yet
- Enhance on ML metrics anomaly detection logic
- Added support for more job types including logs, threats, apm, netflow
- Grafana add support to create and push plugin to download server
- SMS add support of -Dsms_keepalive_mins=xxx (default 60) to reconnect sms modem periodically
- Metrics add metric names
- Perf support ‘data copy’ feature for missing data
- Emedge supports -Dcloud_edge=1 when deploy emedge in azure cloud
- Change -Delastic_snapshot_retain_days default from 30 to 90
- Improve on device info mapping to vendors and models
- Enhance to save elastic queries templates to backend DB instead of just browser cache
- TOPOLOGY refactor L2 topology analyzer code and unit tests
- Improve socket agent stability
- Alarm autoaction - add support for powershell scripts (ps1 extension)
- Alarm improve alarm elastic indexing to avoid out of memory TSS-vmware monitoring - improve debugging logs
- Support customized ng.conf for CVS cloud instances (e.g. /mnt/common/etc/cvs-livedemo/ng.conf)
- Supports set runtime parameters e.g. via ‘ netgain.sac.SetParams logstash_record_filename xxx’
- Logmgmt pop error when log watcher rule expression specified is invalid, during save
- Do not allow change of data rentention settings in CVS cloud environment. do it via CRM
- SIEM update elastic detection rules
- Add SysmonSimulator
- Enhance NCM to avoid detect as config changes is only line changed is ‘! Last configuration change at…’
- Implement NCM device testing - extend to support for emedge
- CV docker image to remove elasticsearch version embeddings for v7.9.3 and v7.16.3
- Pingmon optimize memory
- Dashboards add page for user with admin role to delete other users dashboards
- Improve on license warning msgs
- Optimize memory usage by reducing max queue size MomAgent
- Optimize memory usage by reducing buffer size for FlowBufferPool and NorthboundManager
- License warnings to MSTeam for SaaS
NetGain EM Change Log v11.2.318 build 466 (release date: 13th Sep 2022)
- Fixes:
- Fix Bug_4540_oracle_tablespace_monitor_sql_query_time_out
- Fix Bug 4614_uptime_monitor_improvement
- Fix Bug 4617 disk_report_not_showing_all_disks
- Fix Bug 4620 new request - Sharing of Custom reports - shows the ‘shared’ indication on web page
- Fix Bug 4624 historical_graph_long_decimal_point
- Fix Bug 4625 Security Audit Issues - Vulnerabilities
- Fix Bug 4630 EM-v11-dashboard display auto refresh stuck - fix full screen issue
- Fix Bug 4645 v11.2.x | SIEM add mapping feature not able to load
- Fix Bug 4646 v11-EM-too many opened snmp session
- Fix Bug 4653 topology_l2_views_cant_edit
- vmware fix slow monitoring when vmware sdk authentication fails for many monitors
- Enchancements:
- Dashboards add page for user with admin role to delete other users dashboards
- Agent supports auto device discovery when socket agent connects via -Dautodiscover_agent_devices=1 parameter
- NCM implement NCM device testing - extend to support for emedge
- NCM add more ncm scripts to support arista and huawei devices
- Disable config backups by default, unless -Dconfigs_backup=1 is set
- Elastic enable auto snapshots if -Delastic_repo_path=xxx is defined
- CVS add redis support (netgain.sac.CvRedis class)
- CVS skip periodic check license for netgain saas
- Improve on license warning msgs
NetGain EM Change Log v11.2.276 build 416 (release date: 14th Jul 2022)
- Fixes:
- Fix security vulnerability - 2. H-01: Multiple Reflected Cross-Site-Scripting Issues
- Fix singtel security vulnerability - C-01: Password Stored in Recoverable Format Rating: Critical (9.9)
- Fix Bug 4589_display_user_in_dashboard
- Fix Bug 4599 - fix interface history graph units display (e.g. Kbps to Mbps)
- Fix Bug 4604 - v11.2.x | Threat Rules cannot create new rule
- Fix Bug 4605 - v11.2.x | Netflow query error, but reports can show data
- Fix Bug 4606 - v11.2.x | GROK expression hangs when adding 3 or more expressions
- Arista monitors - fix errorneous discovery
- Logger supports log report with multi-line query expressions - fix chart display
- Monitors restore back MemoryStorage monitors for AS400
- Logs improve on timeseries data query to use local timezone instead of GMT timezone
- APM fix real user monitoring transaction display
- Improve garbage collection of tomcat sessions (auto logout
- Enchancements:
- Anomaly detection - enhance job display
- Elasticsearch - add support for latest v7.17.4 elasticsearch and filebeat
- Synthetic monitoring - enhance
- AI anomaly detection monitoring prototype via -Dml=1
- vmware refactor vmware monitors code
- Monitors enhance BgpPeer monitor
- Supports 90/95/98 thpercentile methods in complex search expressions
- NCM longer timeout to handle cisco configurations taking a long time to pull
- NCM improves device mapping for cisco 9200 switches
- NCM improve on NCM device table display to display last backup size
- NCM update last backup time, even if config pulled did not change
NetGain EM Change Log v11.2.236 build 368 (release date: 20th May 2022)
- Fixes:
- Fix Bug_4463_cv_ncm_bulk_modify_issue_gna
- Fix Bug_4489_my_town_cisco_wireless_client_monitor_with_report_index_at_cv - set the index max results to 50000 (bigger)
- Fix Bug 4569 - [change request]SIEM dashboard enable the table format
- Fix Bug 4571 - [change request]v11-SIEM- enable to customize the SIEM and log watch alarm to
- Fix Bug 4579 - v11.2.x Archimon | NCM Scheduler not working - fixed by using purely cron expressions
- SNMP v3 rename the GUI input fields properly to auth protocol, auth password, priv protocol and priv password
- metricbeat improve MO tagging for kubernetes
- restapi fix helper message
- Perf - Fix critical bug of sometimes perf counter index cannot be found
- Perf - Fix data intervals for longer time periods when query history perf data
- NCM - Fix devices table sorting
- NCM - Fix schedule trigger issue (sleep interval too long, so might missed the actual second specified in cron expression
- Notify - Add support for fixed smtp server via -Dsmtp_fixed_….=xx
- Logs - Fix sometimes cannot find logs belonging to previous day log index, due to GMT timezone
- Enchancements:
- Add support for ‘searchTagsInAncestors’ - change to use boolean instead of string
- snmpv3 enhance to support new authentication protocols HMAC128SHA224 HMAC192SHA256 HMAC256SHA384 HMAC384SHA512
- emedge trim package to make it smaller in size for the install zip file
- Add Objects to datasource support
- Perf - Optimize perf history data query to query only needed counters, and not all counters everytime
- Perf - Improve history data query for perf history data
- NCM - Make the pull ncm config handler at MomAgent (emedge) side async to improve efficiency
- NCM - Make default schedule backup as daily at 3am
- NCM - Add schedule loggings shown on GUI and also skipped saving to DB if there are not changes detected
- JWT - Add jwt expiry check and also api for refresh token
NetGain EM Change Log v11.2.201 build 318 (release date: 31st March 2022)
- Fixes:
- Fix Bug_4423_Alarm_Annotation_Cannot_Be_Saved
- Fix Bug_4423_Alarm_Annotation_Cannot_Be_Saved
- Fix Bug 4498 - Alibaba Cloud Voice Call - fix to use user’s mobile number when notifying alicloud
- Fix Bug 4498 - Alibaba Cloud Voice Call - fix critical bug in sendSms
- Fix Bug 4498 - Alibaba Cloud Voice Call - fix critical bug in sendTts
- Fix Bug 4525 - v11-EM generic indice does not restore users' related info
- Fix Bug_4541_Unable_To_Generate_Network_Bandwidth_Report
- Fix Bug_4550 - CVS-emedge remote upgrade failed - change to use restart and run install script method for zip file (besides tar.gz file) too
- Fix Bug_4552_Notify_Now_Function_Not_Able_To_Select_User
- Fix Bug_4554_Temporarily_Ignore_VM_Groups_When_Powered_off
- Netflow fix error in parsing flow destination geo attributes
- Logs fix critical bug in log saving
- Logmgmt fix log archiver directory missing issue
- sms simplify netgain/notify/SmsSender and fix sms retries
- sms add support for -Dsms_flush=0 and -Dsms_flowcontrol=0 for sms modem code
- sms refactor SmsSender code to remove need for server and port parameter
- agent fixed socket agent ObjectOutputStream memory leak
- map hide all customized logical map right menu shortcuts and make available only via sys property
- logs fix bug in checking daily log limits
- Enchancements:
- vmware improve on VmwareVmNic monitoring
- Added synthetic monitoring
- cvs enhance period samba mount for CVS instances
- metricbeat enhance metricbeat recording
- monitor enhance websphere monitors to NOT require keystore or truststore per host
- bug_4532_poly_finance_inspur_storage_monitoring_gna
- bug_4481_peplink_device_speedfusion_convert_units_gna
NetGain EM Change Log v11.2.164 build 258 (release date: 27th Febuary 2022)
- Fixes:
- Fix Bug_4131_Standard_Report_Template_Issue_With_Adding_Objects
- Fix Bug_4423_Alarm_Annotation_Cannot_Be_Saved
- Fix Bug_4496_add_more_monitor_values_in_custom_script
- Fix Bug_4503_after_creating_global_template_agent_monitor_missing
- Fix Bug_4505_Service_Alarms_Enhancement
- Fix Bug 4515 - NetGain Agent - SSLHandshakeException - TSS
- Fix Bug_4516_Userdefined_Report_Date_Format
- Fix Bug_4518_ram_total_value_not_tally
- Fix Bug_4522_SIEM_ThreatRules_Datatables_Issue
- Fix V11_Bug_Issue_With_Device_Excel_Import
- cv fix samba mount issue
- Fix emedge dependencies on elasticsearch jar files
- reports fix report document template
- Enchancements:
- filebeat shows support filebeat versions for mappings
- filebeat add support for filebeat v7.16.3 templates and ingest pipelines, and emedge filebeat sidecar to v7.16.3
- saas improve to be able to download iossd.log (internal logs) even in cloud deploy mode
- SIEM update elastic detection rules
- monitor show refreshing when loading history data
- react-dashboards enhance react dashboards integrations
NetGain EM Change Log v11.2.142 build 227 (release date: 13th January 2022)
- Fixes:
- Fix network_ping_monitor_shows_script_error
- Fix siem improve threat rules display
- Fix bug_log4j_vulnerability_fix_2.17
- emedge fix bug of netflow data not forwarded at emedge
- Fix ncm_snmpv3_not_working_issue
- Fix Bug 4329 trace route report
- Fix ncm_backup_need_another_password
- monitors refactor netgain/monitors/ipsvc/Url
- Enhancements:
- elasticsearch update code to support elasticsearch v7.16.2
- update year 2021 to 2022 in all copyright strings
- restapi improve on new gen apis
NetGain EM Change Log v11.2.142 build 227 (release date: 13th January 2022)
- Fixes:
- Fix network_ping_monitor_shows_script_error
- Fix siem improve threat rules display
- Fix bug_log4j_vulnerability_fix_2.17
- emedge fix bug of netflow data not forwarded at emedge
- Fix ncm_snmpv3_not_working_issue
- Fix Bug 4329 trace route report
- Fix ncm_backup_need_another_password
- monitors refactor netgain/monitors/ipsvc/Url
- Enhancements:
- elasticsearch update code to support elasticsearch v7.16.2
- update year 2021 to 2022 in all copyright strings
- restapi improve on new gen apis
NetGain EM Change Log v11.2.121 build 213 (release date: 23rd December 2021)
- Fixes:
- Fix cannot_create_apache_monitor_after_discovery
- Fix Metrics_Types_Alignment_Issue
- Duplicate_Dashboard_Issue
- Linux_agent_not_stopping
- log4j - fix log4j zero-day vulnerability - CVE-2021-44228,CVE-2021-45046
- Dell switches not able to pull config
- ncm Cisco_not_able_to_pull_in_full
- Fix issue_With_Integrations_Alignment
- Fix issue_With_Device_View_Object_Deletion
- Various SaaS issues and enhancements
- Enhancements:
- NCM_to_add_support_palo_alto_device
- Add NCM_huawei_device_6300
- Add_symbol_host_description_in_notify_rules
NetGain EM Change Log v11.2.67 build 121 (release date: 28th September 2021)
- Fixes:
- Biz_View_Issue_When_Mo_Not_Found
- notify fix notification issues when alarm count changes before sending out the first notification requests
- User_Data_Migration_Issue_With_Latest_Version
- googlemap displays a clean map with POIs
- monitors add back url monitor counters to avoid warning logs
- monitors fixed Alcatel Fan monitor perf counter names
- Issue_With_Add_Widget_Screen_Not_Scrollable
- ncm_snmpv3_device_import_failed
- Special_Character_In_Global_Rules_Exported_Excel
- security improve display of API token for user in user view
- Bug_4294_APM_Watcher_table_Cursor_Formatting
- dashboard implement support to plot history graphs for multiple objects of the same type
- dashboard feature to support add metrics view to dashboard
- logs improve search result to use aggregate labels instead of field name, if available
- monitor gui - update and improve the status text display for monitors in monitor list view
- topo remove icons from network topo view, so that screencapture works
- GUI remove some javascript warnings during initial page load
- netflow flows analyzer blank graph issue
- monitor reimplement perf forecast function in monitor history view
- netflow add/remove filter buttons for IP columns in flows table
- logs improve saving of queries to include filter settings too
- Enhancements:
- metricbeat enhance support for more metricbeat system metrics - refactor code
NetGain EM Change Log 11.1.299 build 33 (release date: 27th June 2021)
- Fixes:
- Issue with loading pdf reports in cvs instances
- Adhoc reports to show heading on charts with multiple counters
- IPMI emedge_latest_version_cannot_discover_monitor
- Monitor make device dashboard show positive value in ylabels for traffic graphs
- User defined reports table to show only selected counters
- Tomcat change shutdown port from 8005 to 8006
- Fix 2FA login with google captcha enabled and also refactor
- Table_Canvas_is_Not_Resizing_according_To_Widget_Height
- Fix bug of MO corruption when moving/copying MOs tree
- Enhancements:
- APM slight GUI improvements
- Logs improves logs display and search UX
- Supports export/import MO tree via GUI - enhancements
- Add DNS hostname when adding device, if hostname is not found from snmp
NetGain EM Change Log v11.1.240 build 581 (release date: 27th April 2021)
- Fixes:
- Issue with creating new dashboards for non admin users
- Fix capacity prediction issues
- Fix metric objects sorting issue
- Fix netlow search and reports toggle fields
- Fix device import issue
- Time range select by default not showing any values
- APM transaction span display issue when first span is too long
- Role add topo view when no views
- Modal close button shows double icons
- Too many decimal points for value in adhoc report
- Error saving global rules
- Horizontal Privelege Escalation VAPT fix
- Path Traversal VAPT fix
- Enhancements:
- Added TalariaX notification integration
- Enhance SaasMonitor
NetGain EM Change Log v11.1.203 build 522 (release date: 27th February 2021)
- Fixes:
- Fix monitor status list screen flickering issue
- Fix mobile web view bug
- Use TLS1.2 and disable weak Ciphers to avoid TLS ROBOT Vulnerability
- Fixed checkboxes in alarm page issue and alarms dropdown issue on page load
- SIEM Dashboard display error when query string contains as ‘xxx’
- Enhancements:
- Implement logs compliance reports
NetGain EM Change Log v11.1.185 build 493 (release date: 29th January 2021)
- Fixes: Fix netflow recording Fix CVS empty site showing disabled status Fix netflow application deletion issue Fix orphan mos deletion
- Enhancements:
- Improves on logon screen css
- Prototype changes in alicloud integration
NetGain EM Change Log v11.1.175 build 420 (release date: 28th December 2020)
- Fixes:
- Fix critical bug of MOManger.deleteMO only deleting immediate child MOs and not grandchild MOs
- Fix metrics report batch delivery not able to schedule delivery
- Fix adding business view in role management
- Fix not able to create monitor after auto discover
- Do not annotate problem when auto discharging
- Fix critical issue of MO not delete at edge when delete MO at CV
- Enhancements:
- Add MacroSan new monitors
- Add BizView SLA batch reports
- Enhance batch reports customization
- Enhance agent to support IPv6
- Implemented Arista switch optical sensors
- Improve the monitor history view page
- Improve on capacity planning estimation
NetGain EM Release Notes v11.1.160 build 408 (release date: 27th Nov 2020)
- Fixes:
- Mobile view formatting
- Fix Interface monitor Input Output Utilization Units
- Fix APM transactions query wrong (not based on time range)
- Fix APM transaction filter search
- Fix agent make no rmi as default true. Make socket agent method as default.
- Fix critical issue of socket agent connection not secure.
- Fix issue with saving new assets
- Fix critical snmpv3 trap receive
- Fix SNMP trap varbind ingest issue
- Fix 2fa screen formatting
- Fix logical map display severity colour for normal status
- Fix monitor graph display issue
- SIEM alarms export
- Logical map google map case sensitive comparision with new map
- Monitor object jump links
- Time range select problems for beats indexs (GMT-based indices)
- Logs_summary dashboard click issue
- Threat detections enable/disable feature
- Fix opsgenie pager duty issues
- Enhancements:
- Improve logs and apm dashboard widgets
- Add APM widgets
- Allow auto APM drill down based on URL hash
- Improve on dashboards for logs widgets
- Add support for engine ID in SNMP USM Users edit
- Add PDF support for log reports delivery
- Support running emedge as a windows service
- Add AliCloud Notification mechanism
- Implement current alarms export to excel button
- Add ServiceNow notification integration
NetGain EM Change Log v11.1.141 build 396 (release date: 27th October 2020)
- Fixes:
- Fix ApmWatcher bug that it does not generate alarm
- Fix input output utilization units
- Fix primary menu expand bug
- Fix issue with saving new assets
- Enhancements:
- Improve elastic query format to include sorting direction
- Add default monitoring dashboard
- Enhance alarm views
- Update default SIEM security threat dashboard
- Add APM response time dashboard widget
- Improve log summary dashboard widget
- Add APM transaction mapper
- Add selectable colors for dashboard
- Enhanced download option for monitor history graph
- Improve on logs reports to indicate no data
- Enhance logmgmt to show elasticsearch ingest time performance on web GUI
- Add netflow histogram
NetGain EM Change Log v11.1.118 build 361 (release date: 28th September 2020)
- Fixes:
- Fix bug of enable/disable mapping rules due to multiple transformers
- NetGain alert box dark theme formatting
- Fix history data issue with moving devices
- Fix screen overflow when expandable primary menu is clicked
- Fix bug of role users not saved when users added to role
- Fix deleteMO issue when parent MO is not found
- Enhancements:
- Improve metric reports performance
- Enhance multiple metrics for combined reports
- Enhance metric reports to add in dashboard
- Add top-n report prototypes
- Prototype SIEM compliance reports
- Enhance syslog collector to handle invalid/TCP format
NetGain EM Change Log v11.1.90 build 322 (release date: 27th August 2020)
- Fixes:
- Removed obsoleted cisco process monitors
- Fix LogStashProxy for beats logs collection
- Do not prompt for CV IP, if ‘cv’ environment is already set
- Forwards netflow traffic from edge to CV
- Fixed EV multiple IP range discovery in CV
- Dell switch not able to monitor
- Fix issue with progress bar while deleting devices
- Fix DNS resolve hostnames in netflow, and logs
- Fix Netflow: Report download: When there is no data, downloafd report is throwing 404 exception
- Fix bug for snmp v3 authNoPriv security level
- Fix snmp v3 engine ID inconsistencies
- Force need for JRE 1.8.0_162 and above, to support AES192/256 encryption
- Enhancements:
- Add support for remote selenium web testing
- Make HTTP forwards to HTTPS by default
- Add notify method for ‘Wechat’ messenging app
- Add notify method for ‘Telegram’ messenging app
- Enhance SIEM hunt manager to avoid reloading default rules all the time
- Improve on monitors discovery
- Add export feature for CiscoPSIRT
- Add notify method: Microsoft Teams
- Enhance apm transaction waterfall display
- Auto CI build: v11.1.73b300 (created on Tue Aug 4 03:11:49 SGT 2020)
NetGain EM Change Log v11.1.62 build 289 (release date: 27th July 2020)
- Fixes:
- Fixed bugs in forwarding trap from Edge to CV
- SIEM netflow reports creating duplicates
- Home wrong warning color
- SIEM NetFlow reports saving empty
- Log analytics doesn’t show the date when opted for one month
- Update log4j to v2.13.3
- Fix perf data display column unit label issue
- Fix logo issue in dark mode
- Fix table scroll issue
- Fix SSL issues in CSV: Edge to CV connection
- Fix for MOs loading
- Fix status count not accurate
- Alarms click details link of any alarm pops up the details with Close button is hidden
- Fix left hand side menu, when hover mouse over the icon, there is no menu item displayed
- Enhancements:
- Implemented Snmp4JTrapListener to replace NgSnmpTrapListener (enabled using -Dsnmp4j_trap_listener=1)
- Include windows event logs as part of sample logs in product
- Add threat intelligence: talosintelligence
- Enhance on log reports
- Snmp4j library update
- Improve on APM transaction display
- Add optical power monitor for H3C switches
- Add sangfo wac monitors
- Make perf history chart types selectable